Why I took up yoga in my 40’s.

If you had told me a few years ago that I’d be a yoga enthusiast in my 40s, I’d have probably laughed and then promptly forgotten about our conversation. However, sometimes life throws you a curveball, or in my case, a yoga mat.

For years, I navigated life with the relentless energy of a London commuter, running a design consultancy, flipping properties, and essentially turning my body into a machine that knew no rest. Fast forward to the monumental task of bringing eftopia to life in Greece, and you've got a recipe for stress that could season a whole series of "Grand Designs."

From Skeptic to Convert

My journey to embracing yoga was less about a sudden enlightenment and more about a reluctant admission that perhaps, just perhaps, those suggesting yoga were onto something. For a man who has historically treated his body like a machine—albeit, a slightly overworked and under-maintained one—the concept of yoga seemed, well, a bit too slow for my taste.

London life was a blur of business, cycling, and the occasional reno disaster. My days were packed, my body was constantly on the move, and my mind? Well, it rarely got a moment’s peace. Fast forward to the Herculean task of bringing eftopia to life in Greece, and you’ve got a recipe for stress that could make even the most easy-going monk feel overwhelmed.

Stress and Wellness

The journey to open eftopia, was ironically one of the most stress-inducing periods of my life. The dream was a sanctuary of calm and wellness, but the road there was paved with sleepless nights and endless to-do lists. The irony that I was crafting a haven of peace while navigating a sea of stress was not lost on me. It was, for lack of a better word, a unique blend of chaos and zen.

The Yoga Revelation

As eftopia began to thrive, I found myself with an unusual gift: time. It was an opportunity to explore this thing I’d been avoiding—yoga. My initial sessions were a comedy of errors; imagine a man more accustomed to sprinting and lifting heavy things trying to fold into a semblance of a yoga pose. Yet, despite the awkward starts and the occasional tumble, I began to notice changes. Less tension, more peace, and a surprising enjoyment in the quiet moments of stretching and breathing.

These days, my evening routine involves a series of yoga videos that, to my own surprise, I eagerly look forward to. Each session is a step away from the day’s stresses and a step toward a calmer, more centered self. It’s a gentle reminder that sometimes, the best way to move forward is to take a moment to stand still—or, in my case, attempt a decent downward dog.

Lessons Learned and Shared

What's the moral of the story? Never underestimate the power of taking it slow, especially in a world that prizes speed and efficiency. Yoga has taught me that sometimes, the best way to move forward is to pause, breathe, and stretch in ways you never thought possible.

For anyone out there thinking it's too late to try something new, remember: your 40s are the perfect time to surprise yourself. Whether it's yoga, meditation, or any practice that brings you peace, the journey is worth every awkward first step.

As we continue to welcome guests and friends to eftopia, I’m reminded of the beauty of shared experiences and the importance of maintaining a sense of humor, especially when you’re trying to master a yoga pose that looks deceivingly simple. So, here’s to finding balance and remembering that it’s never too late to try something new—no matter how many funny looks your dog gives you as you practice your poses.

eftopia isn’t just a place; it’s a reflection of the journey to wellness, peace, and laughter. Whether you’re a yoga veteran or someone who can’t tell a Warrior II from a tree pose, we’re all on this journey together.


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