eftopia’s organic odyssey | Adopting The Cut and Drop Method.

Here, at eftopia, we have recently adopted the cut and drop method. A seemingly simple shift in how we manage our garden waste has proved to be somewhat of a revelation; one that brings us closer to natures ecosystem and saves us time and energy.

What is the cut & drop method?

The cut and drop method, is well, exactly what you may well think it is - you cut the vegitation back, and drop the cuttings straight down on the ground, where the plant stands.

Simple right?

Well yes and no. For the best results, timing is key. For example, if you cut or coppice your plants in summer, it can take much longer for the “mulch” to brake down. However, if you were to cut and drop before a rainy period, then the “mulch” will brake down much faster as the wet weather helps to accelerate bacteria growth, which in turn gets to work much faster.

Here’s five benefits of the cut & drop system

  1. Great Supporter of soil life.

  2. Roots remain in place, adding organic material deep in the soil.

  3. Ground cover helps keep topsoil moist.

  4. Slowly releases nutrients back into your soil.

  5. Time and energy is saved by eliminating the need to move and compost the material from its original location.

Bonus Tip! Any wood or thick stems should be cut down into small pieces before being dropped. You can use a good pair of clippers or garden scissors for the best results!

Natures way

Remember, by using this system, we are simply mimicking natures way of handling its “waste”. Ultimately allowing us to replicate the cycle of a forest, and therefore reducing time and energy spent cleaning, moving and composting green matter, simply to return it to the space in which it first came. Could it be any better?!

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